Disney Star Wars

AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

Diese Sachen hab es doch schon, bevor Lucasfilm an Disney verkauft wurde............

Eine Darth Donald Tasse will ich immer noch haben :D
AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

Harrison Ford is open to the idea of bringing Han Solo back to life on the silver screen in 2015, according to sources close to the just-announced Star Wars sequel, but don’t be surprised if his contract includes a mandatory death scene for the sly old space smuggler.

“Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” said one highly placed source, referring to Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher, the trio that made a hyper-speed jump to global fame on May 25, 1977, the opening night for George Lucas’s original Star Wars film.

AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

As pre-production of Star Wars: Episode VII begins, Lucasfilm has confirmed that award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay for the new Star Wars film. As revealed in the ongoing video series posted here on StarWars.com, Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas have begun story conferences with Arndt. Arndt won an Academy Award® for Best Original Screenplay for writing Little Miss Sunshine (2006), and was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay for writing Toy Story 3 (2010).


AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

Ok langsam wirds weird:

...industry insiders say the evil Vader will grace the big screen again.
“He’s an integral part of the franchise. Replacing him is virtually impossible,” explains a film mole.
“The plan is for him to return and play a significant role in the new films.”
“This is science fiction remember,” we’re told. “Darth Vader will rise from the ashes.”


"a mole"
Da wird sicher noch übles kommen an Gerüchten bis dahin ;)
AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

Sollte Lord Vader tatsächlich zurückkehren, wirds lächerlich.
In Episode III war ich zwar begeister und hatte bei der Szene auf der Krankenstation Tränen in den Augen, aber bereits am Ende in der letzten Szene hatte ich irgendwie das Gefühl, irgendetwas passt nciht so richtig.
Schwer zu beschreiben, aber David Prowse hat halt nunmal seine eigenen Bewegungen und diese waren auch aufgrnud des Kostüms sehr eingeschränkt.
Wenn da jetz ein Super-Vader kommen sollte, der Lichtschwert-Duelle ala Obi-Wan vs Anakin ausfechten kann, würde sich das noch viel weniger richtig anfühlen und eher uncool wirken. Aber mit solch sparsamen Duellen ala Luke vs Vader oder Obi-Wan vs Vader aus der alten Trilogie kann man ja heutzutage niemanden mehr hinterm Bantha hervorlocken.
AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

...and the Star Wars news keep on coming. Two weeks ago, we reported that Michael Ardnt (Toy Story) was hired by Disney to write Star Wars: Episode 7. While everyone is speculating on who will direct the next film in the franchise, Disney has already decided who will write Episodes 8 and 9.
THR confirms that screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) and Simon Kinberg will write either episode VIII or Episode IX. They will also produce the films. Their exact division of responsibilites is not yet known.
This is great news for fans because one of the writers of the original franchise is coming back. Creatively, this is a great decision by Disney.
Stay tuned for more details soon

AW: Disney kauft LucasFilm

Na das wird ja interessant. Kann man sich vielleicht wirklich vorfreuen auf das, was da kommt? Wäre ja zu schöön. Star Wars guggen ohne Fremdschämen? Ein Traum?!

Fange mal hier an für alles was nun neu kommt.

Zack Snyder To Direct Star Wars Movie That Isn't Episode VII

Zack Snyder will not be directing Star Wars: Episode VII, but that's not going to keep him from playing in the Star Wars universe.

As many have suspected in the wake of Disney acquiring Lucasfilm, we're going to start seeing a whole lot more stories set in a galaxy far far away, and now Vulture reports that the Man of Steel director will be the first to give a parallel story a shot. They say he's making a film loosely based on Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai-- which of course, was also the inspiration for the classic Western The Magnificent Seven. Snyder's film would reportedly take place sometime after the events of Episode VI, which means we're leaping into the future, and probably a time that has nothing to do with Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader or all the rest. The film wouldn't have a number like all the other entires, but it's possible it might be intended to kick off a brand new Star Wars series all its own.
AW: Disney Star Wars

New Spinoff Films Set to Expand the Star Wars Galaxy

The Star Wars cinematic galaxy is about to experience a Big Bang. Lucasfilm is officially announcing new spinoff films that will expand the mythos and depths of the Star Wars universe in previously unexplored ways.

One of the standalone films will be written by Lawrence Kasdan, screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and co-writer of Return of the Jedi while the other will be penned by Simon Kinberg, writer of Sherlock Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The movies will be separate from the upcoming Episodes VII, VIII, and IX, on which Kasdan and Kinberg are also consulting, and are expected to be released sometime after Episode VII. Each standalone film will focus on a specific character, and two spinoff films are currently confirmed.
In a call to investors, Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, revealed while the original focus was on the highly-anticipated sequel trilogy, the idea of spinoff films was bandied about early and the additional films are now becoming a reality. "We are in development of a few standalone films," he said, "that are not part of the Star Wars saga...there are now creative entities working on developing scripts for what would be those standalone films."

What's the first stand alone STAR WARS film to be made?

The first Stand Alone film is going to center upon YODA. At this stage specifics are sparse, but Kathleen Kennedy is putting together a STAR WARS slate... I'm wildly curious for more details on the YODA film - would this be a young or old YODA tale?

OK ich werd langsam skeptisch...
AW: Disney Star Wars

Ein spinoff über Yoda ?? wtf ... wer will das sehen ? Wenn überhaupt, warum dann nicht Han Solo ?
AW: Disney Star Wars

Also bei aller liebe zu Star Wars aber Yoda , oke es gibt schlechter Chars aber nen ganzer Film über ihn da hätte es doch sicher noch paar andere möglischkeiten gegeben .
AW: Disney Star Wars

Naja es sind Gerüchte bisher.
Denke aber wir werden an doofen Spinoffs nich vorbei kommen wenn es Spinoffs gibt.
AW: Disney Star Wars

Naja, Yoda kann man eben besser als Plueschtier vermarkten als Han Solo ... man muss ja neben dem Film auch an der Rest der "Wertschoepfungskette" denken :p
AW: Disney Star Wars

Die Webseite “Kotaku” behauptet, dass es bei der Entwicklung von “Star Wars 1313” einige “turbulente Wendungen“ gegeben hat, seitdem LucasFilm vergangenes Jahr für 4 Milliarden Dollar von Disney gekauft wurde. In dem Bericht heißt es, dass das Mutterunternehmen von LucasArts seinen Produktionsweg geändert hat und die Produktion von Filmen der von Spielen vorzieht.

Schade wärs um Star Wars 1313, wenn es sich bewahrheitet. Darauf habe ich mich eigentlich schon sehr gefreut...!

AW: Disney Star Wars

Wenn es dann mal irgendwann erscheinen tut .... in einer Zukunft weit weit entfernt ....
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